Can You Sleep?

It is 5.46am now. And I just finished clearing my room, folding the clothes, doodling nonsense things and counting flowers on the mat. I am waiting for Subuh prayer now. 
I have tried sleeping before and since it does not work, I wake up switch on the light. The night is perfect. No other sounds  can be heard unless the moving fan above my head. 

I texted some of my friends, asking em if I should meet my doc in Terengganu and none of them respond. 😆 because it is freaking 5am! Please bear with my dear friends, and shocking messages while you are asleep. 

I wonder how my mind works sometimes. I really enjoy staying here. Because I have everything I need, time for my thesis, library which is a walking distance, single room, oh yeah, I don't have much friends here. But hey,  I'm used to it. Haha 

So, what are the other things that my brain can't tolerate? Why she refused to accept things as what it is. Lol. I remember what Luna used to say to me, 'even the brain of yours sometimes give you hard time, but it works well during exam and finals.' Well, I guess it always comes with something extra. I witness the sunset and watch the sunrise without sleep in between for almost a week now.

I had been thinking about Dad awhile ago and seconds later, he called me. And he was like 'can you sleep?' and 'is everything okay?'
A while ago, it was my sister asking me the same question. 'did you sleep last night?' and Mom too. My lovely aunt wanted to visit me this weekend, she's worried knowing how I went to ED and all. 

And the regular question from them has been lingering in my mind every seconds. 'Can I sleep tonight?'


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