MCO and Me (Part 2)
Hawa's folks and us! |
I was feeling numb for several weeks. When Hasif texted me "what are you up to?", I spontaneously replied, "I am suicidal."
At that time I was in my telekung after zohor prayer, I lied down on my praying mat, covering my face with telekung. Because my face was wet with tears and my eyes are swollen.
Hasif called me several times. I did not pick it up. I did not feel like talking to anyone. He texted me again asking me to pick up his call. I did not reply.
Few moments, I heard Mom's phone rang. Shoot! Hasif calls Mom. Mom went into my room and told me Hasif wanted to speak with me. But you know, I pretended to sleep. I don't know what they were talking about. But later, Mom told me Hasif is so worried about me. He asked Mom to keep an eye on me. Haha.
Obviously Mom noticed my mood changed, but obviously too, I did not tell her I am suicidal!
Hawa then texted me, asking if I am okay and later, she sent me a parcel containing facial products from Sephora. Aduhai. I know it must be Hasif who told her.
My super best friends, Hasif and Hawa, might be far from me. But, they are there, taking care of me mentally. And there's nothing I could ask more.
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