[ KOREA TRAVELOG ] - The Land of The Morning Calm Part 1

After a year of planning, finally we managed to set our feet on The Land of The Morning Calm, South Korea. Why Korea? Because we would like to experience what Korea has to offer apart from indulging the world's fascinating country.


Rumors told that King Sejong statue is made of gold.
This historical country is very proud of its King Sejong who was honoured with 'The Great'. King Sejong was a wise and brilliant king and he was loved by his people during his ruling of the Choson Kingdom. King Sejong contributed to a great number of the citizens including the commoners such as farmers. There were numerous achievements that were made by him during his era that it is often called as the Golden Age. 

Another statue that is located in Gwanghwamun
Square is Admiral Yi Sun Sin
Among them, one of the prominent King Sejong's contribution is the creation of Korean alphabet or Hangul. He created the identity of his country as the Korean scholars previously had to rely on classic Chinese alphabet for literary purposes. Not to mention he made several improvements towards musical instruments and also contributed to plethora of scientific inventions such as celestial globes and water clock.

To commemorate  his outstanding achievements, a statue of King Sejong is placed at Gwanghwamun Square in South Korea, close to Gyeongbokgung Palace. 

The Gwanghwamun Square is so huge that two enermous statues are placed there which are King Sejong and an admiral, Yi Sun Sin. The two iconic statutes stand tall harmonizes with Gyeongbokgung Palace, an ancient Josean Dynasty Palace at the background. Visitors wearing hanbok, Korean traditional dress were seen walking to the palace for photography session.  


We were greeted by palace's officers with their traditional costumes. They marched around at the gate of the palace with swords and archery at their hands, welcoming all the local and foreign visitors. 😄

The magnificent Gyeongbokgung Palace. 
 Upon entering the palace, I could feel I was transported to Joseon Dynasty era by time travel. The palace is so huge with numerous traditional buildings inside. It is more likely a kingdom. It takes at least three hours for you to explore Gyeongbokgung Palace, but we went there only for two hours due to the cold and windy weather. Lel. Korean visitors from rural district could be seen flooding the palace as well. Senior citizens, families, school kids, teenagers and even couples wearing hanbok for photos. You can rent hanbok outside of this palace if you want to, but we prefer to have our coats and jackets instead while roaming the palace. Hehe. 

I like this tree, it looks like a large version of bonsai tree. It was quiet and calm even there were many visitors visiting the palace. The designs and the structures of the palace is re structured based on its originality. I fall in love with the traditional, intricate architectural design that is displayed by each building. It is the epitome of Korea's identity during Josean Dynasty.

This scenery would be much more captivating during
spring and autumn.

If you ever watched Korean Drama, Love in The Moonlight, this is where Park Bo Gum had his scene, reading at the palace. Honestly, I did not watch the drama but that was what my tourist guide told me. Haha.  
The scenery would be more beautiful during spring and autumn as we could see cherry blossoms blooming and oranges leaves falling down, but yeah, we went there when it is still winter. Light winter. 

The outside scenery of Gyeongbokgung Palace. 
After spending two hours or so at Gyeongbokgung palace, we walked to the eateries for lunch. But I'll write another post for food and snacks in Korea. So stay tuned!
One of the satisfaction that I had during our trip in Korea is walking by the road, enjoying the idyllic scenery with tall trees at the side of the road and breathe the fresh, cold air along the way. It was amazing, and to be able to walk on a foreign land with nothing to worry, it is priceless. 

Just me and my red coat

 So if you could notice the pictures, mostly the scenery is in black, white and grey. So do the clothes worn by the locals. Based on my observation, haha, they usually put on their dark colour coats. Black, blue black, and I was the only one in the crowd wearing striking, fiery red sweater. haha! During the winter, of course you don't listen to leaves ruffle or the scorching, hot sun warming you, but you would experience the windy air blow your face gently. You would fall in love with the trees along the route, with the brilliant sky above your head, there's nothing more that you could ask for. If you are looking for peace and tranquility, I suggest you to walk in Korea instead of taking cab to move from one place to another. You would find and learn a lot of things along the way.


I like Bukchon Hanok Village, it is a peaceful
and quiet neighbourhood. 
Korean Hanok Village is a must-place to visit for those who like to snap pictures. Hanok refers to the Korean traditional houses that allows the visitors to experience authentic ambience during Joseon Era.

Actually, there is a CCTV at the door, I guess the residents was
watching us from inside at that moment cause the lights was off
when we went away. Haha
 The village holds secret since hundred years ago and it was where high ranking government officers resided. Now, the neighbourhood is preserved to be one of the tourist attractions in Korea. Since there are locals reside in the house, visitors are not allowed to make noises or make any sort of disturbance to the residents. But of course you are allowed to explore and take as much pictures as you want at all those enchanting alleys for your Instagram's sake!

The great walkers. Lol
It was nice walking down the alleys, meeting the locals who thought we were Phillipines and visitors from Malaysia as well. The entire neighbourhood is spick and span that you barely see trash or sweet wrappers.

Wefie at its best

Introducing our tourist guide, Rose. She's cool and kewl. Haha. She's like a Korean genie, never fail  to grant our wishes at Korea. Haha. Thanks to her, we gained priceless and uh-may-zing experiences during our trip. I am very thankful and grateful for that.
I'll talk about her more in the next post and how
you can reach her if you are planning to visit Korea! 

Since there's nothing much for me to blab, I'll treat you with photos!

Reading map in front of someone's house could be you when you are at Bukchon
Hanok Village.

Mom is a naughty mother, she wanted to knock the door when we said 'dont!' 😃

I like his house, small, cute, clean and convenient. 
Upon roaming around the village, we encountered a house gallery and it is free, so without further a do we climbed the stairs. We were welcomed by magnificent and powerful paintings that took most of the house. They are so lively and honestly, I have no words to describe those masterpieces. There were like three or four white cat paintings.

Amazed with the fabulous artwork, I asked the house owner of how he made it, cause when I looked closer, the painting looks like it is made up from thread, but actually it is not. He showed me his brushes and colours.

He asked me where we are from and told me he had a girlfriend from Malaysia. He's like in the mid of 50s but yet look so strong and charming. Hehe

A family photo meeting with a long lost
 Korean uncle. Hehe

If you notice the striking colour painting, it will be exhibited in New York in seven days, he told me. He sells his paintings that mostly gallery and organizations would buy from him. I could imply that he is a true laureate, an international, humble artist while we were having conversations.

Guess what, he asked us to write our names on a piece of paper. He then wrote our names in Hangul and asked each of us to sit to sketch! Hahahaha

Tadaaaaaa! I was too awkward when he asked me to look at him in the eyes that I often looked down, and that was how I look like in the painting. Haha

The worst part is we forgot to ask his name! 

But I'll be looking for ways to find him back. hehe

Mom gave him some souvenirs from Terengganu, and he was very happy upon receiving it. 

This is one of the sweet moments while we were in Korea, meeting with a very talented artist!


Nami Island is quite far from our guesthouse. We went there by train for about two hours, taxi for 7 minutes or so and ferry to reach the infamous island for 5 minutes. Nami Island is the coldest place that we have ever been 😅 . My brain froze and our movement was a bit slow due to the weather, literally. Haha. The windy weather was like splinters, prickling our skin. However, we still got carried away with the trip that we forgot time passes so quick!

Yoo Jin is the third wheeler, not me.
Nami Island has becoming the top destinations for every visitors in Seoul due to popular Korean Drama influence, Winter Sonata. There is a statue in Nami Island to celebrate the main actor and actress of Winter Sonata, Jun Sang and Yoo Jin. I was like 10 years old when Winter Sonata was displayed in tv and guess what, that ten year old kid cried watching the love story! haha. Winter Sonata initiated the Korean Wave to the whole wide world and only after that, other Korean Dramas start to mushrooming up until now.

This is the lake that I talk about. 
Everyone loves me apparently.
Nonetheless, I have my personal opinion on Nami Island, I fall head over heels towards Nami Island without the influence of Winter Sonata. For a nature lover like me, a blissful trip to Nami Island is indeed a very wise choice to do. The most significant element in Nami Island is its tall trees. The tall trees are so gorgeous and beautiful. They look like they are in perfect order as there are aisles between the trees. But I was told that they are placed like that naturally. I love the lake, I stood still for a moment, enjoying the Mother Nature around me, immersing in the spellbinding scenery, indulging the solace that seems never stop In Nami.

If you watched Winter Sonata, there is a scene where Yoo Jin and her friends did some sort of funeral ceremony as they thought Jun Sang was dead. The scene shot here, at the lake.
So, the log that we sat on is the log that Yoo Jin played around with Jun Sang in the movie as well.
Winter Opera! Cing Cing Cing!
Forget all those scenes for a while, to me, the scenery itself is breathtaking.
We did not ride bicycles or do much activities there because we prefer to walk and enjoying the surrounding. If you watch the video closely, the figures of two snowman are very common in Nami Island. It signifies Jun Sang and Yoo Jin's first kiss when those two built snowman.

There were shy, little rabbits behind the fence. 

Despite the cold weather, we went home when there was
almost no one at Nami Island. Haha

When the sun was about to set down, the lanterns are light up
that make the place looks so magical and stunning.

Cover for our upcoming album :D

This one is for my solo album. LOL

We arrived home around 9pm with wobbly legs, cold hands but warm hearts. 😍

Stay tuned for next post!

Travelling. It leaves you speechless, then turns you into a storyteller
Ibn Battuta


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